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Purpose : Microsatellite instability in patients with defects in the mismatch repair
system resulting in RER has a high risk of accumulating mutations in oncogene and
tumor suppressor gene. In this study, we evaluated the incidence of microsatellite
instability in breast cancer by comparing PCR-amplified sequences from frozen samples
of normal and tumor tissue from affected patients. We also investigated whether RER
was associated with TGF-¥â R¥± mutation.
Materials and Methods : Fifty surgically resected breast cancer specimens from Jan.
1996 to June, 1997 were used for study. Microsatellite instability(referred to as
replication error, RER) at three loci with BAT 26, BAT 40, TA10 was analyzed by
polymerase chain reaction and the results were compared with clinicopathologic
Results : Of the 50 breast cancer patients, 14(28%) were RER(+) at one or more
microsatellite loci, and 4(8%) showed TGF-6 R¥± mutation. Microsatellite instability was
significantly correlated with lymph node involvement(especially in case of 4 or more
lymph nodes involvement). But we could not find any correlation between RER and
other prognostic factors including tumor size, tumor grade, hormone receptor status and
pathology. One of fourteen tumors with RER(+) showed TGF-S R¥± mutation. There
was no significant correlation between RER(+) and TGF-¥â type ¥± receptor gene
Conclusion : The findings suggest that microsatellite instability would be useful
prognostic factor in unilateral breast cancer patients, and the role of targeting to gene
mutation will be explored in future studies.


Breast cancer; Microsatellite instability; Replication error; TGF-¥â; TGF-¥â R¥±;

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