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Purpose : The purpose of this study is to evaluate the expression of I-cadherin and
cathepsin-B in prostatic carcinomas and correlate with the Gleason grades.
Materials and methods : The expressions of I-cadherin and cathepsin B were examined
by the immunohistochemical technic using the antibodies against the I-cadherin and
cathepsin B on the paraffin block sections of 56 prostatic carcinomas with evaluation of
Gleason grading.
Results : I-cadherin expression in normal epithelium was membranous intercellular
expression and those of prostate carcinomas were aberrant expressions such as negative
expression or cytoplasmic presentation. The expressivity of the I-cadherin according to
the progression of the Gleason grading revealed negative membranous expression and
tendency of gradual increase of aberrant expression. The normal prostate and BPH
revealed expression of cathepsin B mostly in the basal layers of acini as cytoplasmic
reaction and the stromal macrophages and microvessel wall also showed positive
expression. The prostatic carcinoma showed cytoplasmic positivity in the cancer cells
and the expression rate was increased from Gleason grade 2 to Gleason grade 4. But
the Gleason grade 5 tissue revealed decreased or negative expression. The Gleason
grade 4, especially in the invasive cells and invasive edges, revealed the most intense
and frequent expression of cathepsin B and this findings were consistent with the
normal function of the cathepsin B as a protease degrading the extracellular matrix
Conclusion : I-cadherin expression was aberrant after Gleason grade 6 related with high
histologic grades. It is suggested that the I-cadherin expression could tell the potential
cancer progression as a tumor suppression factor. The cathepsin B was most strongly
expressed in basal cells of the benign prostatic acini and the cancer nests of Gleason
grade 4, which tells the possibility that cathepsin B could be a marker of basocellular
differentiation and of assessing stromal invasion of prostatic carcinomas.


Prostate carcinoma; Gleason grade; E-cadherin; Cathepsin B;

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