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Isolated involvement of the epididymis by malignant lymphoma is very rare and almost
invariably is associated with lymphoma in the adjacent testis. To date, there are four
case reports of primary epididymal lymphoma. In this case, 74-year-old man presented
with a 3 cm, painless left epididymal swelling. Extensive staging work-up showed no
evidence of extraepididymal spread. The epididymectomy was performed. The enlarged
epididymis was firm and entirely replaced by whitish gray homogenous tumor measuring
1.8¡¿0.9cm. Microscopically, the tumor revealed an interductal, highly cellular infiltration,
distorting the normal epididymal architecture. The lymphomatous infiltrate was
poly-morphic, though the predominant cell type exhibited a large irregular and vesicular
nucleus. In many areas, small reactive lymphocytes, eosinophils, and occasional plasma
cells were interspersed among the neoplastic cell population. Mitoses were frequent. The
small lymphoid cells focally infiltrate through the wall of some tubules and small veins.
A variable pattern of sclerosis was present throughout much of the tumor. Also there
were non-specific granulomas. Immunohistochemical staining revealed that the large cells
were B cells (CD20 positive) and conclusively lambda light chain restriction. The smaller
reactive lymphoid cells were composed of a mixture of B cells and T cells (CD3,
UCHL-1 positive). The DNA analysis of lymphoma shows a diploidy DNA content. 5
phase fraction is 21%. To date, the patient, who treated with chemotheraphy, remains
well 9 months after diagnosis. Most lymphomas of testis and epididymis occur in older
men, have an intermediate or high grade, diffuse histology, disseminate early, and follow
an aggressive clinical course. This case is some similar to the conventional most
lymphomas of testis and epididymis. But unusual features included that the tumor
showed only confined to the epididymis and marked sclerosis.


Epididymis; Malignant lymphoma; B cell;

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