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MRS)Àº °ñ¼öÁ¶Á÷ÀÇ ±¸¼º ¼ººÐÀÎ Áö¹æ(fat)°ú water proton(1H)ÀÇ T1 À̿ϽÃ
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relative water content[water signal intensity/(water signal intensity+fat signal intensity)
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Purpose : The purpose of this study was to investigate the possibilities for serial in
vivo localized proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) examination of bone
marrow in patients with acute leukemia.
Materials and Methods : Selective measurements of the relaxation times T1 and T2 for
the water and fat resonance in the bone marrow spectra were performed (1.5 Tesla
whole body magnetic resonance scanner). Six patients with acute leukemia were
examined at diagnosis. Follow-up examinations of four patients with acute leukemia in
complete remission were also examined. Six normal control subjects were examined with
identical methods for comparison.
Results : Significant differences could be detected in the spectral patterns from lumbar
spine in patients with leukemia at diagnosis compared to healthy normal controls. The
relative water content was increased in leukemic patients compared to normal subjects,
which indicate an increase in the amount of hemopoietic tissue and a corresponding
decrease in marrow fat content. A significant correlation was found between cellularity
assessments derived from conventional bone marrow core biopsies and relative water
content of proton MRS data. The T1 relaxation time of the water resonance in leukemic
patients were significantly prolonged at diagnosis compared to normal controls. After
chemotherapeutic induction of remission, the spectra from the bone marrow of lumbar
spine resembled normal subjects.
Conclusions : This method provide the possibility for serial measurements of bone
marrow in patients with leukemia, and may provide information from regions
inaccessible to bone marrow biopsy. This therefore appears to be a promising application
of proton MRS that can be performed on a routine basis in a clinical setting.


Leukemia; Bone marrow; Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy;

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