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´ëÇѾÏÇÐȸÁö 1998³â 30±Ç 5È£ p.1026 ~ 1033
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glioma) ¼¼Æ÷ÁÖ¸¦ ´ë»óÀ¸·Î wild-type p53À» ÁÖÀÔÇÏ°í, À¯ÀüÀÚ Àü´ÞÀ²°ú ¼¼Æ÷¼ºÀå¿¡ ´ëÇÑ
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ÇÑ ¿¬±¸¸¦ ÅëÇÏ¿© ³úÁ¾¾ç¿¡ ´ëÇÑ adenoviral-p53 À¯ÀüÀÚ Ä¡·áÀÇ °¡´É¼ºÀ» »ìÆ캸¾Ò´Ù.

Purpose : The replacement of functional genes into cells that lack genes or mutant
genes is the basis of gene therapy. In cancer, where cells often have multiple genetic
defects, the replacement of critical genes may suffice to suppress cell growth or induce
cell death. In malignant brain tumors, p53 mutation are among the most frequently
observed genetic findings and inactivation p53 suggests that p53 plays a critical role in
carcinogenesis and tumor progression. Therefore, we study the successful transfer of the
wild-type p53 gene using a replicative deficient adenovirus vector into human glioma
and medulloblastoma cell lines.
Materials and Methods : The human glioma cell line T-98G, U-87MG, U-373MG were
used. To determine the efficiency of the adenovirus vector, cell lines were transfected
with the Ad-B gal and analysed with X-Gal staining. Cell viability was determined by
trypan blue exclusion every day after infection and Western blot analysis was used to
conform the expression of the exogenous p53 protein.
Results : Cell growth of the Ad-CMV-p53 infected U-373MG, and U-87MG was
significantly suppressed. It appeared that exogenous p53 protein expression had an
earlier ad more profound suppressive effect on U-373MG having a mutated p53 gene
than on U-87MG having a wild-type p53. The expression of the exogenous p53 was
more than 10 times higher than the expression of the endogenous p53. To examine the
decreased viability, U-373MG was stained with Hochest 33258 and detected nuclear
condensation and apoptic body. Staining results suggest that cells undergo apoptosis.
Conclusion : The replicative deficient adenoviral vector can transfer and express p53 in
human glioma cell lines in vitro, restoring wild-type p53 tumor suppressor functions.
The restoration of normal p53-encoded protein in the mutant cell lines induced cell
death. The high expression of the newly transduced protein had different effects on the
growth rate of the infected cell lines depending on the p53 status of the cells.


p53; Adenoviral vector; Glioma; Gene replacement;

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