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ÀÚ¿¬ÅðÇàµÈ ¼Ò¼¼Æ÷Æó¾Ï 1¿¹ A Case of Spontaneous Regression of Small Cell Lung Cancer

´ëÇѾÏÇÐȸÁö 1998³â 30±Ç 6È£ p.1294 ~ 1298
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Small cell lung cancer is the most aggressive tumor among lung cancers and has a
greater tendency to be widely disseminated by the time of diagnosis. Without treatment,
the median survival time of small cell lung cancer patients is only 2¡­4 months.
However, though spontaneous regression of the malignant tumor has been frequently
reported, spontaneous regression of the small cell lung cancer is rare. In this study a
spontaneous regression of the small cell lung cancer is reported, along with a brief
review of the literature.
A 69 year-old woman was admitted for an evaluation for dyspnea. A chest
roentgenogram obtained on admission revealed an abnormal mass shadow at the right
hilus. She was diagnosed as having small cell lung cancer through a bronchoscopic
biopsy. However this tumor regressed spontaneously without specific treatment after 12


Spontaneous regression; Small cell lung cancer;

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