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´ëÀå¾Ï ¼¼Æ÷ÁÖ¿¡ ´ëÇÑ ´ãÁó»êÀÇ µ¶¼º Toxicity of Bile Acids on Colon Cancer Cell Lines

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Purpose: Cytotoxicity of the bile acids on colon cancer cell lines was studied to allow
which bile acid was most cytotoxic to colonic mucosal epithelium. We performed agarose
gel electrophoresis whether this toxicity was caused by detergent effect of the bile acids
or by apoptotic pathway.
Material and Methods: HT29, LoVo, Sw620 colon cancer cell lines were exposed to
lithocholate, cholate, deoxycholate and chenodeoxycholate with 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300
¥ìM as final concentration in DMEM; culture media for short time (for 2 hours) and for
long time (for 5 days). Agarose gel electrophoresis was performed on each colon cancer
cell lines (HT29, LoVo, Sw620, Sw480) after 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 days exposure to deoxycholate
with 150 ¥ìM concentration to detect internucleosomal fragmentation.
Results: There was no toxicity after short time exposure in all bile acids concentration
and in all colon cancer cell lines. Of the bile acids, deoxycholate was most toxic for all
colon cancer cell lines. And DNA fragmentation was noticed after 2 days exposure with
deoxycholate. Only LoVo cell line showed apoptotic DNA pattern after 4 days of
exposure with deoxycholate.
Conclusion: Bile acids (especially deoxycholate) are suggested to be possible agents to
cause apoptosis in colonic mucosal epithelium.


Bile acids; Cytotoxicity; Apoptosis; Colon cancer; MTS;

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