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¿ø¹ßºÎÀ§ ºÒ¸í¾Ï¿¡ ´ëÇÑ PEFL (Cisplatin, Etoposide, 5-Fluorouracil ¹× Leucovorin) º¹ÇÕÈ­Çпä¹ýÀÇ È¿°ú ¹× Ä¡·á¹ÝÀÀ±º°ú »ýÁ¸¾çÈ£±ºÀÇ ¼±º° The Efficacy of PEFL Chemotherapy and Identification of Favorable Subgroups in Patients with Carcinomas of Unknown Primary Origin

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cisplatinÀÌ ¼­·Î »ó½ÂÈ¿°ú°¡ ÀÖ°í Àڱà °æºÎ¾Ï, µÎ°æºÎ¾Ï µî¿¡¼­ ±× º´¿ëÈ¿°ú°¡ ÀÔÁõµÈ¹Ù ÀÖ
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ÀÎÁ¤µÇ¾ú°í, 5-FU, adriamycin, cisplatin µî°ú´Â ±³Â÷³»¼ºÀÌ ¾ø°í »ó½ÂÀÛ¿ëÀÌ ÀÖ´Â °ÍÀ¸·Î
º¸°íµÇ°í ÀÖÀ¸³ª, etoposideÀÇ ¿ªÇÒ¿¡ ´ëÇؼ­´Â ºÐ¸íÇÑ ¿¬±¸°¡ ¾ø´Â ½ÇÁ¤ÀÌ´Ù. ¶ÇÇÑ
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Purpose: In order to evaluate the efficacy of PEFL (cisplatin, etoposide, 5-fluorouracil
and leucovorin) chemotherapy and to identify favorable subsets, we conducted a phase
¥± trial of PEFL regimen for patients with carcinomas of unknown primary origin
Materials and Methods: A total of 38 patients was enrolled in this study between May
1995 and September 1997. CUPO was defined as the presence of metastatic cancer
documented in the absence of an identifiable primary site. All entered patients were
treated with PEFL combination chemotherapy (cisplatin 20 §·/m2/day i.v.
days 1¡­5, etoposide 100 §·/m2/day i.v. days 1,3 & 5,5-fluorouracil 800 §·
/m2/day continuous infusion days 1¡­5, and leucovorin 20 §·
/m2/day i.v. days 1 ¡­5; repeated every 4 weeks). The end points of this
study were response and survival. To identify favorable subsets, univariate and
multivariate analyses were performed.
Results: Among 38 patients, 29 had measurable lesions. Three (11%) out of 27
evaluable patients had a complete response and 7 (26%) had a partial response (response
rate 37%; 95% confidence interval 19¡­55%). The median survival of the total 38
enrolled patients was 9.1 (range; 1¡­21.9+) months. The median progression-free survival
of the 27 evaluable patients was 5.3 (range 0¡­16.0) months. Among total 132 cycles of
chemotherapy, leukopenia of grade ¥± or more was observed in 15% and
thrombocytopenia of grade ¥° in 4%. There was no treatment-related death. Main
non-hematologic toxicities were nausea/vomiting (79%), stomatitis (70%), and
neurotoxicity (33%). The prognostic factor analyses identified 2 favorable subgroups;
One was the patient group whose disease had poorly differentiated histology and
presented in cervical lymph node. This group of patients had better response rate than
other patients (response rate; 71% vs 25%, p=0.02). The other was the patient group
who had normal tumor markers (CEA, CA 125 and CA 19-9). This group of patients
had better survival than other patients(median survival; 14.8 vs 8.4 months, p=0.05).
Conclusion: PEFL chemotherapy seemed to be moderately active and tolerable in
patients with CUPO. Among heterogenous patients with CUPO, the subset with cervical
lymph node and poorly differentiated histology responded better to the chemotherapy and
those with normal tumor markers tended toward longer survival.

Carcinoma of unknown primary origin (CUPO); PEFL (cisplatin etoposide, 5-fluorouracil and leucovorin) combination; Favorable subgroups;


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