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(chronic myelogenous leukemia, CML) ȯÀÚµéÀº hydroxyurea·Î Ä¡·áÇÏ¸é ¾à 3¡­4³âÀÇ ¸¸
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¸¥ Ç×¾ÏÁ¦¿¡ ´ëÇؼ­µµ µ¿½Ã¿¡ ÀϾ´Â ´Ù¾àÁ¦³»¼º(multidrug resistance)ÀÇ ¼º°ÝÀ» ¶ì°í ÀÖ
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(human small cell lung cancer cell line, H69R)¿¡¼­ doxorubicin¿¡ ´ëÇÑ ´Ù¾àÁ¦³»¼ºÀÌ °üÂû
µÊÀ¸·Î½á MDR1 À¯ÀüÀÚ¿Í´Â º°°³ÀÎ »õ·Î¿î À¯ÀüÀÚ°¡ Á¸ÀçÇÔÀÌ ¾Ë·ÁÁ³°í ÈÄ¿¡ ÀÌ À¯ÀüÀÚ´Â
MRP (multidrug resistance-associated protein)·Î ¸í¸íµÇ¾ú´Ù. ÀÌ¿Ü¿¡µµ DNAÀÇ º¹Á¦¿Í Àü
»ç¿¡ °ü¿©ÇÏ´Â DNA topoisomerase À¯ÀüÀÚµµ ¾àÁ¦³»¼º¿¡ °ü¿©ÇÏ´Â °ÍÀÌ º¸°íµÊÀ¸·Î½á ¾àÁ¦
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¥° (Topo ¥°), topoisomerase ¥±¥á (Topo ¥±¥á)µî 4°¡Áö À¯ÀüÀÚÀÇ ¹ßÇöÀ» È®ÀÎÇÑ °æ¿ì´Â ¾ø
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MDR1°ú ºñP-´ç´Ü¹é(non-p-glycoprotein)À» Àü»çÇÏ´Â MRP, Topo ¥°, Topo ¥±¥á µî ¾àÁ¦
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Purpose: Multidrug resistance mediated by several drug resistant genes impedes the
successful outcome of anti-cancer chemotherapy. In this study, we investigated the
expressions of drug resistant genes encoding multidrug resistance (MDR1), multidrug
resistance-associated protein (MRP), topoisomerase ¥° (Topo ¥°), topoisomerase ¥±¥á
(Topo ¥±¥á ) in normal volunteers (n=12) in and patients with myeloid leukemia (n=34).
Material and Method: We compared the levels of their transcripts in bone marrow
mononuclear cells by semiquantitative RT-PCR. The amount of specific transcripts was
represented as the optical density ratio of PCR product of target gene to that of ¥â
2-microglobulin (MG). Twenty patients of acute myelogenous leukemia
(eight in remission tate, twelve in refractory) and fourteen patients of chronic
myelogenous leukemia (nine in chronic phase and five in blastic crisis) were examined.
Twelve normal healthy persons were compared with leukemic patients.
Results: The expression levels of all resistant genes in normal volunteers were
relatively high as those of AML patients. Regardless of the disease status including
remission status of AML (complete remission versus refractory) and the phase of CML
(chronic phase versus blastic phase), the expression levels of all resistant genes in
patients with CML were significantly lower than in the patients with AML (P<0.05). Of
interest, the patients with refractory AML did not show any statistical difference in
comparison with normal controls and even the patients with AML in complete remission.
Among the four drug resistant genes, the optical density ratio of MDR1 was
significantly lower than that of any other genes (P<0.05). Using HL-60 cell line, we
compared the changes of various resistant gene expressions before and after
differentiation induced by dimethylsulfoxide. The expressions of resistant genes declined
in parallel with granulocytic differentiation, suggesting that the induction of cell
differentiation might make leukemic cells susceptible to chemotherapeutic agents.
Conclusion: It is impossible to explain the mechanism of drug resistance by comparing
the level of drug resistant gene expression between normal subjects and patients with
myeloid leukemias. Therefore, we suppose that longitudinal study of drug resistant gene
expression is necessary to demonstrate the development of drug resistant during

Drug resistance; MDR1; MRP; Topoisomerase ¥°; Topoisomerase ¥±¥á; Acute myelogenous leukemia; Chronic myelogenous leukemia;


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