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activator receptor (uPAR)°¡ Áõ°¡µÊµµ º¸°íµÇ¾ú´Ù. ƯÈ÷ uPA°¡ À¯¹æ¾Ï¿¡¼­ ½Å»ýÇ÷°ü»ý¼ºÀ»
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Purpose : We measured and compared the uPA, plasminogen activator inhibitor-1
(PAI-1) and usA receptor (uPAR) levels in breast cancer tissues and blood of the
patients to evaluate their clinical relevance for biotherapy.
Materials and Methods : usA, PAI-1 (Monozyme, Netherland), UPAR (American
Diagnostics, USA) levels were measured by ELISA assay in 192 breast cancer tissues,
in 18 normal breast tissues and in 163 blood from breast cancer patients.
Results : There was a tendency of uPA increment from ductal carcinoma in situ while
increment of PAI-1 and uPAR occurred from T1 With the progression of
cancer, uPA, PAI-1, uPAR tended to decrease; however, the uPA/uPAR, uPA/PAI-1
ratios remained unchanged. There was a correlation of uPA expression between normal
and cancer tissues(¥ã2=0.49). Correlation of uPA and PAI-1 was found in
normal tissue and stage I cancer tissue while correlation of uPAR and PAI-1 was found
with cancer progression. Between cancer tissue and blood significant correlations were
found in usA, PAI-1, uPAR levels.
Conclusion : uPA, PAI-1, uPAR levels in cancer tissue elevated from the early stage
maintaining correlative expressions with cancer progression. A positive correlation
between cancer tissue and blood level suggested the applicability of the levels of uPA,
PAI-1 or uPAR for detecting patients for biotherapy.


uPA; uPAR; PAI-1; Breast cancer; Tissue; Blood;

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