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À¯¹æÁ¶¿µ»ó ¹Ì¼¼¼®È¸Ä§ÂøÀÇ ºÐ·ù¿Í À¯¹æ¾Ï ºóµµ Microcalciflcation Classifications on Mammography and Breast Cancer Incidences

´ëÇѾÏÇÐȸÁö 1999³â 31±Ç 2È£ p.275 ~ 281
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Purpose : Since needle localization biopsy was introduced, it is widely performed for
nonpalpable microcalcified breast lesions, but there are many controversies in
determining the disease characteristics and guidelines of the biopsy for
microcalcifications detected mammographically in the absence of any palpable mass. This
study was designed to determine the breast cancers according to microcalcification
Materials and Methods : We reviewed 91 patients, who underwent breast biopsies
between January 1995 and June 1998 for only microcalcified lesions detected by
mammography at the Department of Surgery, Korea University Hospitals.
Microcalcifications were defined as calcifications less than 1.0 §®. The needle localization
biopsy was performed only on patients who were found to have five or more
microcalcifications. We classified the microcalcifications into three types: casting type,
crushed-stone-like type, and amorphous type.
Results : The mean age was 49 years (25¡­82 years). Sixteen patients (17.6%) among
the 91 patients were diagnosed with the breast cancer: four (22.2%) of 18 patients with
casting type, eight (21.6%) of 37 patients with crushed-stone-like type, and four (11.1%)
of 36 patients with amorphous type microcalcifications. Breast cancers were more
prevalent in casting and crushed-stone-like types than in amorphous types. There was
no difference in the size of microcalcifiations between benign and malignant lesions 13.11
¡¾10.89 §® vs 13.13¡¾9.51 §®.
Conclusions : The patients who have more than 5 microcalcifications clustered within
1 §¯ circle detected at mammographic evaluation, especially in case of casting or
crushed-stone-like type, should be advised to have localization biopsy to detect early
breast cancer.


Breast cancers; Microcalcifications; Mammography;

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