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Purpose : Although it is now generally accepted that human papillomaviruses (HPVs)
are causally related to cervical neoplasia by plentiful epidemiologic and experimental
works, little is known about the direct evidence of sexual transmission of HPV. This
study was undertaken to confirm the transmission route and determine the infectivity of
HPV by comparison of HPV 16 sequence variations at upstream regulatory region
(URR) in the couples of patient with cervical cancer.
Materials and Methods : HPV DNAs obtained from genital lesions of forty married
couples of patients with cervical cancer were evaluated by polymerase chain reaction
(PCR) and PCR-directed sequencing.
Results : HPV 16 was detected in fourteen (63.6%) of twenty-two male consorts
whose wives were positive for HPV 16. Of these, six (42.9%) couples demonstrated
identical HPV 16 URR variants between patients and male consorts, and eight had
mismatching HPV 16 URR sequences. Among six couples showed matching HPV 16
variants, three couples married for 10, 19, 25 years respectively carried variant
7728/7779, two couples married for 15 years each carried variant 7728/7762, and one
couple married for 18 years carried variant 7728/7797.
Conclusion : These data suggest that sexual transmission of HPV 16 does occur.4
search for more HPV variants in a large cohort is needed to secure high level of
precision in molecular epidemiologic study using HPV variant.


HPV 16; Variants; Molecular epidemiology;

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