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Purpose : Gastrointestinal carcinomas usually evolve through a series of well defined
histologic steps. This concept of carcinogenesis is a multistep process involving
progressive loss of growth control as well as an expansion and shift of cell proliferation.
The cell proliferations and kinetics of normal gastrointestinal tract are well known. But,
the cell kinetics of adenoma in gastrointestinal tract is poorly understood. This study
was designed to evaluate the cell kinetics of low grade adenoma in stomach and colon.
Materials and Methods : The study was carried by the TUNEL method for the
apoptosis and immunohistochemical staining for the Ki-67 using the formalin fixed
paraffin embedded tissues.
Results : The mucosal locations of apoptotic cells and Ki-67 immunoreactive cells
were irregular in gastric adenoma. The Ki-67 immunoreactive cells were located in the
base of colonic adenoma. Apoptotic cells were located in the luminal surface of the
colonic adenoma.
Conclusion : Above results indicate that most cells of the colonic adenoma move
toward the lumen, corresponding to the base and lumen in low grade adenoma of


Adenoma; Stomach; Colon; Apoptosis; Ki-67;

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