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Purpose : Brush cytology is one of useful methods for establishing a diagnosis of
lung cancer. There are two methods of retrieving the specimen of brush cytology. One
is to withdraw the brush through the working channel of the bronchoscope (withdrawn
brush) and the other is to withdraw the brush and bronchoscope as a unit, with brush
remaining protruded through the distal tip of the bronchoscope (nonwithdrawn brush).
We tried to compare two methods in the cellularity of the specimen and the diagnosis
of lung cancer.
Materials and Methods : Thirty-one patients with suspected lung cancer were studied
prospectively. The sequence of sampling (withdrawn or nonwithdrawn brush) was
assigned randomly. The specimens were interpreted by two cytopathologists about
cellularity and presence of recognizable malignant cells.
Results : Cellularity was significantly greater for nonwithdrawn brush (P<0.05). There
was no significant difference of diagnostic rate between both methods in the diagnosis
of lung cancer.
Conclusion : Withdrawing the brush through the bronchoscope decreases the
cellularity, but it does not affect the diagnostic rate for lung cancer.


Lung cancer; Bronchial brush;

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