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ÀÎü Àü¸³¼±¾Ï°ú À¯¾Ï ¼¼Æ÷ÁØ¿¡¼­ Apoptosis¿¡ °üÇÑ ¿¬±¸ Study on the Apoptosis in Human Prostate and Breast Cancer Cells

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12-O-tetradecanoyl phorbol 13-acetate (TPA)´Â protein kinase C (PKC) È°¼ºÁ¦·Î¼­,
Mouse embryo¿¡ È­ÇÐÀû ¹ß¾Ï¹°Áú, Àڿܼ±, X¼± µîÀ» ³ëÃâ½ÃŲ ÈÄ TPA¸¦ ó¸®Çϸé DNA
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Apoptosis´Â ÇÙ chromatin ±¸Á¶ÀÇ ÀÀÃà ¹× apoptotic body Çü¼º µîÀÇ ÇüÅÂÇÐÀû °ËÃâ¹æ¹ý
°ú genome DNA°¡ ¾à 180¡­200 bp nucleosome ´ÜÀ§ÀÇ ¹è¼ö·Î ´ÜÆíÈ­µÇ¾î Àü±â¿µµ¿¿¡ ÀÇ
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¿ëµÇ°í ÀÖ°í, °í¹èÀ²ÀÇ inverted microscope¿¡¼­µµ °üÂû, È®ÀÎÀÌ °¡´ÉÇϸç, apoptosis Á¤·®¹ý
À¸·Î flow cytometry (FC)°¡ »ç¿ëµÇ°í ÀÖ´Ù. FC¸¦ ÀÌ¿ëÇÑ ¼¼Æ÷ÁÖ±âÀÇ Çؼ®¿¡¼­´Â
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(A0)¿¡ ³ªÅ¸³ª¸ç, ¼Õ»óµÇÁö ¾ÊÀº genomic DNA´Â
G0/G1 ºÎÀ§¿¡¼­ °üÂûµÈ´Ù.
º» ¿¬±¸´Â ÀÎü Àü¸³¼±¾Ï ¼¼Æ÷ÁÖÀÎ LNCaP (³²¼ºÈ£¸£¸ó ÀÇÁ¸Çü), DU-145(³²¼ºÈ£¸£¸ó ºñ
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À§ÇÏ¿© ¼¼Æ÷ÀÇ ¼ºÀå, ÇüÅºм® ¹× DNA ´ÜÆíÈ­ ºÐ¼®À» ÇÏ°í, flow cytometry¿¡ ÀÇÇÑ ¼¼Æ÷ÁÖ
±â¸¦ ºÐ¼®ÇÏ¿´´Ù.

Purpose : Apoptosis is a form of cell death characterized by specific morphological
changes in the dying cell including contraction of cytoplasm, chromatic condensation, and
cellular fragmentation into membrane-bound bodies. A common biological marker of
apoptosis is the degradation of nuclear DNA resulting in a ladder of nucleosome-sized
DNA fragments when resolved by electrophoresis. The potential therapeutic implications
of simultaneous activation of apoptosis in androgen-dependent and androgen-independent
prostatic cells are clearly very important in the development of cancer treatment
modalities for advanced prostate cancer. The efficacy of chemotherapeutic agents
correlates with their ability to induce apoptosis. Therefore, quantification of
experimentally induced apoptosis in cancer cell lines is likely to be a predictor of the
outcome of treatment. The main objective of this study was to examine the induction of
apoptosis as a new strategy for cancer therapy by cis-diamminedichloroplatinum (CDDP)
or 12-O-tetradecanoyl phorbol 13-acetate (TPA) in human prostate (androgen-dependent
LNCaP and androgen-independent DU-145), and breast cancer cells (MCF-7).
Materials and Methods : DNA gel electrophoresis, flow cytometry and transmission
electron microscopy for morphological analysis were used to further characterize drug
response in human prostate and breast cancer cells.
Results : Treatment of the LNCaP and DU-145 cells with CDDP or TPA resulted in
dose-dependent growth inhibition and accumulation of cells in Ao (apoptotic region), and
caused significant degradation of the genomic DNA into internucleosomal-sized DNA
fragments, indicating apoptosis. In contrast, MCF-7 cells showed little or no DNA
Conclusion : These studies suggest that a differential susceptibility to apoptosis and
chemosensitivity may be related to the efficacy of chemotherapeutic agents. CDDP and
TPA may have clinical implication in the treatment of prostate cancer. In particular,
cytotoxic effects of TPA may well lead to new possibilities for improved strategy.


Apoptosis; Prostate cancer cells; Breast cancer cells; CDDP; TPA;

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