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Purpose : Uterine cervical cancer is one of the most common cancers in Korean
women. Although Pap smear has been a most effective cancer-screening technique,
resulting in a significant reduction in mortality from cervical cancer in the screened
populations, the number of women undergoing Pap smear is relatively small. Thus, the
authors investigated the etiologic factors underlying low performance rate of this
screening test.
Materials and Methods : This study was done in the selected 13 villages in Koryung
and Kimchun County of Kyungbuk Province. The subjects were 431 resident women
over 20 years old. The questionnaires of interview included sociodemographic,
sociopsycological, obstetric and gynecological data, and perceived benefit and barrier to
undergo Pap smear. Framework of this study was based on health belief model. The
data was interpreted by frequency analysis, chi-square test, and multiple regression
Results : Univariate analysis identified several significant variables. Positive predictors
of test compliance were age, marital status, education attainment, social security,
economic status, knowledge and perceived benefit of Pap smear, and existence of cue to
action. Negative predictors were smoking, drinking, personality, number of children,
number of gravidity and parity, and existence of barrier Barriers to undergo Pap smear
were need, spare time, ignorance about Pap smear, shame, cost and difficulty for
medical access. Cue to action to undergo Pap smear were motivated by health
professional of clinic, hospital, and health-related institution, voluntarily for health
promotion, peer pressure, health examination program etc. Major predictors to undergo
Pap smear on multivariate logistic regression analysis were score of barrier, score of
cue to action, and marital status.
Conclusion : It flay be considered that, in developing screening programs, barriers, and
cue to action to undergo Pap smear, and the women who do not have a spouse should
be targeted.


Cervical cancer; Pap smear; Experience and compliance;

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