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´ëÇѾÏÇÐȸÁö 2000³â 32±Ç 2È£ p.304 ~ 311
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±èÀμø ( Kim In-Soon ) 
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Àü¿ëö ( Jeon Yong-Chul ) 
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¼ÕÁÖÇö ( Sohn Joo-Hyun ) 
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ÀÌÈ«±â ( Lee Hong-Gee ) 
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¾È¸íÁÖ ( Ahn Myung-Ju ) 
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Purpose :Cancer cells can be detected in bloods, lymph nodes or bone marrows by using reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). We investigated to detect carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) mRNA in peripheral blood by RT-PCR as a circulating tumor cell marker of gastric
cancer patients.

Materials and Methods :Gastric cancer patients were early gastric cancer with curative surgery (Group A, n=9), advanced gastric cancer with curative surgery (Group B, n=18) and relapsed or metastatic gastric cancer (Group C, n=13). RT-PCR was performed to detect CEA mRNA expression in the peripheral blood mononuclear cells and we used Colo 201 cells as a positive control.

Results :Seventeen patients (42.5%) were positive for CEA mRNA, whereas, all the nine normal subjects were negative. There were significant differences between group A and C (p=0.041), group B and C (p=0.001) and between patients underwent curative surgery and metastatic gastric cancer patients (p=0.001) but not between A and B (p=0.036) for the positive rate of CEA mRNA.

Conclusion :Large number of gastric cancer patients showed positive CEA mRNA in peripheral blood suggesting that gastric cancer cells can metastasize into blood at early stage.


Stomach neoplasm;Micrometastasis;CEA;

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