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Reoperation of Recurrent Gastric Cancer

´ëÇѾÏÇÐȸÁö 2001³â 33±Ç 6È£ p.478 ~ 482
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ÀÌöÈñ ( Lee Chul-Hee ) 
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¹ÚÁ¶Çö ( Park Cho-Hyun ) 
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±è¿í ( Kim Wook ) 
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¾ÈâÁØ ( Ahn Chang-Joon ) 
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ÀÓ±Ù¿ì ( Lim Keun-Woo ) 
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¹Ú¿ì¹è ( Park Woo-Bae ) 
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±è½Â³² ( Kim Seung-Nam ) 
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±èÀÎö ( Kim In-Chul ) 
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Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate the outcome of reoperation in recurrent gastric cancers.

Materials and Methods: We conducted a retros pective analysis of 86 patients who underwent reoperation for recurrent gastric cancer. We reviewed the time interval between first operation and reoperation, as well as the recurrence pattern, type of reo peration, and survival following reoperation.

Results: the average time to reoperation following cura-tive resection was 27.8¡¾25.9 months (median 18.4 months). Fifty-three cases (61.6%) of reoperation were performed within 2 years follwoing the first operation. The most common reason for reoperation was intestinal obstruction followed by gastric remnant recurrence and intra-abdo minal mass . Complete resection was possible in 14 cases (16.3%) and a palliative procedure such as partial resection or bypass procedures was performed in 54 cases. In 18 cases (20.9%), simple lapalotomy was done without any aid. The most common site of recur-rence was the peritoneum followed by the gastric rem-nant, distant lymph node and hematogenous liver metas-tasis. Operative mortality was 10.5%. Excluding the 9 cases of operative mortality, the mean survival time after reoperation was 15.4¡¾2.5 months (mean 8.6 months). Survival following complete resection was much longer than palliative procedure and exploration only (37.9¡¾8.7 vs 10.9¡¾1.5 vs 4.7¡¾0.8 months, p=0.000)

Conclusion: The complete resection of recurrent gastric cancer can prolong survival. Early detection of localized recurrence is important in order to increase the chance of complete resection.


Stomach neoplasm;Recurrence;Reoperation;

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