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ýüÏþàõ êáÛ®äÂàõðþåË Rare Malignant Diseases of the Breast

´ëÇÑ¿Ü°úÇÐȸÁö 1984³â 27±Ç 4È£ p.466 ~ 472
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In this study, 17 cases of rare malignant disease among 359 cases of pathologically proved breast cancer were collected and reviewed from 1961 to 1980 at the Dept. of Surgery, National Medical Center.
The results were as follows;
1) The most common breast cancer was infiltrating ductal carcinoma (95%).
2) 8 cases of Paget¢¥s disease were presented. The incidence of Paget¢¥s disease was 2.2% of all breast cancer.
3) 4 cases of cystosarcoma phyllodes, first described by Johannes Muller in 1838, were treated. The incidence of cystosarcoma phyllodes was 1. 1% of breast cancer and malignant rate was 50%.
4) 2 cases of breast cancer in lactation were presented. The incidence of breast cancer in pregnancy or lactation was, 0.5% of all breast cancer.
5), 1 case of bilateral breast cancer was treated. The incidence.of bilateral breast cancer,
was 0. 3% of all breast cancer. The histologic type was ductal origin.
6) 2 cases of breast cancer in male were presented. The- incidence of breast cancer in male
was 0.6% of all breast, cancer. The average, age for the group was 66.5 years.


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