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°£¿Ü´ãµµ¾Ï ¹× ´ã³¶¾ÏÀÇ ÀÓ»óÀû °íÂû Clinical Review of Carcinomas of the Extrahepatic Bile Ducts and Gallbladders

´ëÇÑ¿Ü°úÇÐȸÁö 2001³â 60±Ç 1È£ p.83 ~ 88
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±èÁ¾¹Î ( Kim Jong-Min ) 
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ÀÌÈï¿ì ( Lee Heung-Woo ) 
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À̱¤¼ö ( Lee Kwang-Soo ) 
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Purpose: The poor prognosis of surgery for extrahepatic bile duct and gallbladder carcinomas are at least partialy due to the inadequate extent of resection and the spreading characteristics of the tumor. This study was conducted to evaluate the benefit of a curative resection and extended surgery for extrahepatic bile duct cancer and GB cancer.

Methods: One hundred seventy five patients with extrahepatic bile duct cancer and GB cancer, who were diagnosed between January 1988 and December 1997 at the Hanyang University hospital, were retrospectively analyzed according to the TNM staging system and the extent of resection.

Results:A curative resection was performed in 51% of the extrahepatic bile duct cancer cases and 45% of the GB cancer cases. The cummulative survival rate after a curative resection was significantly higher than those after a palliative resection and no operation. The overall one year and three years survival rates were 74% and 48%, respectively after a curative resection compared to 12% and 0% after a palliative resection. Long term survival after a curative resection correlated with the stage of the disease.

Conclusion: The result of this study shows that as extended curative resection of an extahepatic bile duct carcinoma and GB cancer was associated with a worthwhile improvement of long term survival.


Extrahepatic bile duct cancer;Gallbladder cancer

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