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ƯÁ¤ÀüÀÚÆÄ°¡ È­»óÄ¡·á¿¡ ¹ÌÄ¡´Â È¿°ú Effect of Tending Diancibo Pu on Burn Treatment

´ëÇÑ¿Ü°úÇÐȸÁö 2001³â 60±Ç 2È£ p.123 ~ 128
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À¯±¤¼ö ( Yoo Kwang-Soo ) 
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¹è¼º¼ö ( Bae Sung-Soo ) 
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³²¼º¿ì ( Nam Sung-Woo ) 
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¹ÚÀ±±â ( Park Youn-Ki ) 
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Purpose: Recently, in an experiment using animals, radiation therapy using a laser or Tending Diancibo Pu (TDP) has been shown to be effective in treating scars on the skin by increasing the production of fibroblast cell and collagen and by accelerating the process of epithelization. The purpose of this study is to examine the effectiveness of TDP radiation therapy in treating human burn injuries in terms of the frequency of treatment, the timing of eschar separation, and the duration of treatment.

Methods: In the treatment group, the burn area of the patients was first sterilized with saline solution and potadin solution and covered with one vaseline gauze. Then, the burn area was radiated every other day by using TDP for 20 minutes at distance of 20¡­25 cm, at radiant plate temperature of 250¡­280oC. In the cases of control group, the burn area of the patients was first sterilized with saline solution and potadin solution and covered with one vaseline gauze. Then, the area was covered with one burn gauze and bandaged. The treatment was conducted every other day.

Results: In cases of superficial second degree burn injuries, the difference between the treatment and the control groups was 1.34 in terms of the frequency of treatment. In the cases of both superficial and deep second degree burns, the differences between the treatment and the control groups were 3.47 in terms of the frequency of treatment, 0.63 weeks in terms of the timing of eschar separation, and 6.03 days in terms of the duration of treatment. All these differences were statistically significant.

Conclusion: From the experiment, it can be concluded that TDP radiation therapy is more effective in treating human burn injuries than conventional treatment in terms of the of the frequency of treatment, the timing of eschar separa-tion, and the duration of treatment.


Burn;Eschar separation;Tending Diancibo Pu

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