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º¹ºÎ ÀÚ»ó¿¡ ÀÇÇÑ ÇÏ´ëÁ¤¸Æ °üÅë»ó Penetrating Injury of Inferior Vena Cava by Abdominal Stab Wound

´ëÇÑ¿Ü°úÇÐȸÁö 2003³â 64±Ç 5È£ p.447 ~ 450
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±èÁöÈÆ/Ji Hoon Kim ÀÌÈ«±â/Á¶¼®ÁÖ/¹ÚÈÍ°â/¹éÈ«±Ô/³²¿µ¼ö/Hong Gi Lee/Suk Joo Cho/Hwon Kyum Park/Hong Kyu Baik/Young Soo Nam


Injuries of the inferior vena cava (IVC) might be caused by a blunt trauma, which usually affects the retrohepatic portion. Injuries of the infrahepatic IVC are usually caused by penetrating injuries and rarely occur in Korea. We report a case of a
penetrating injury of the IVC at the infrahepatic suprarenal portion with a review of other reported cases.


°üÅë»ó; ÇÏ´ëÁ¤¸Æ; Penetrating injury; Inferior vena cava;

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