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ÆØ´ëºÎ ÁÖÀ§¾Ï¿¡¼­ Cyclooxygenase-2 ¹ßÇöÀÇ ÀÇÀÇ Cyclooxygenase-2 Expression in Periampullary Cancer

´ëÇÑ¿Ü°úÇÐȸÁö 2003³â 65±Ç 1È£ p.49 ~ 54
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ÃÖ¿µÁø/Choi YJ ±è±¤ÇÊ/ÀåÀÌÂù/¹ÚÁø¿ì/¼º³ëÇö/ÃÖÀç¿î/Jin GB/Jang LC/Park JW/Sung RH/Choi JW


Purpose: Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) expression is up-regulated in several types of human cancers and it has been suggested that COX-2 is closely inked to carcinogenesis. The objectives of this study were to investigate COX-2 expression in periampullary cancer and to evaluate the association of the clinicopathological factors with its expression.
Methods: Thirty specimens which were resected from patients with periampullary cancers (13 pancreatic adenocarcinomas, 8 common bile duct cancers, 9 ampulla of vater cancers) were investigated by immunohistochemical staining using Anti COX-2 monoclonal Ab. The 30 specimens were divided into stain-positive and stain-negative groups. The correlation between COX-2 expression and the various clinicopathological factors including the tumor size, nodal metastasis differentiation, perineural and vascular invasion, were studied.
Results: COX-2 was expressed in 69% of pancreatic adenocarcinomas, 100% of common bile duct cancers and 78% of ampulla of vater cancers. However there was no significant correlation between COX-2 expression and the clinicopathological factors.
Conclusion: COX-2 is highly expressed in periampullary cancer. Even though there was no correlation with the clinicopathological factors, the utility of the COX-2 inhibitors in preventing or treating periampullary cancer remains undetermined but warronts further investigation.


Cyclooxygenase-2; Periampullary cancer; ÆØ´ëºÎ ÁÖÀ§¾Ï

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