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°©»ó¼± ¹ÝÂÊ ¹«Çü¼ºÁõ Thyroid Hemiagenesis

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Thyroid anomaly are rare embryological condition. The failure of the development of one lobe leading to unilateral agenesis is the rarest of all the thyroid anomalies. The cause of unilateral agenesis is unknown. Thyroid hemiagenes is common in females (3:1) with the left lobe being absent. The common disease in the remaining lobe is a benign adenoma, a multinodular goiter, hyperthyroidism, chronic thyroiditis, and rarely carcinoma. The most common pathology involved in thyroid hemiagenesis is hyperthyroidism. This report the case of a 57-year-old woman with a right thyroid hemiagenesis.


Thyroid anomaly; Thyroid hemiagenesis; Thyroid hyperplasia; °©»ó¼± ±âÇü; °©»ó¼± ¹ÝÂÊ ¹«Çü¼ºÁõ; °©»ó¼± Áõ´ë

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