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À½³¶À» ħ½ÀÇÑ ´Ù¹ß¼º ¿Ü°øÀÇ Ä¡·ç Anal Fistula with Multiple External Openings Involving the Scrotum

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In most cases of anal fistulas external openings are located within 2.5 cm of the anal verge. It is rare for an anal fistula to involve the scrotum diffusely. This article present a case of anal fistula with multiple external openings involving the scrotum. The fistula was transsphincteric. The internal opening was located at the dentate line in the anterior midline. Surgery was undertaken on outpatient basis. The primary fistula tract was cored out under local anesthesia, and the defect of the cored out tunnel in the sphincter muscles and mucosa were repaired by layered suture closure with absorbable suture material. The secondary tracts involving the scrotum were curetted and left open for drainage. The operative wounds had healed at the 6 months follow-up after surgery.


Anal fistula; Scrotum; Outpatient surgery; Ä¡·ç; À½³¶; Åë¿ø¼ö¼ú

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