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±âÀúºÎ ´Ü¼ø °áÂû Ãæ¼öµ¹±â ÀýÁ¦¼úÀÇ À¯¿ë¼º Simple Ligation of Stump without Embedding Suture during Appendectomy Caused No Increased Complication Rates

´ëÇÑ¿Ü°úÇÐȸÁö 2004³â 66±Ç 1È£ p.46 ~ 49
ÀÌȯºÀ, ÀÌÀç±Ô, À̺´Âù,
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ÀÌȯºÀ ( Lee Hwan-Bong ) 
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ÀÌÀç±Ô ( Lee Jai-Kyoo ) 
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À̺´Âù ( Lee Byung-Chan ) 
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Purpose: There have been several reports claiming benefits for the simplified method of appendectomy over the traditional method of embedding suture at the stump, without contradictory opinions ever having been published. Nevertheless, most surgeons continue to carry out purse-string sutures in daily practices of open appendectomy as long as the stump situation permits. In case where the cecum near the stump is friably swollen due to the spread of inflammation in advanced appendicitis, we have often faced uncomfortable pulling of cecal stitches during embedding procedures experiencing tearing or incomplete approximation of the pulled wall. To avoid this difficulty and shorten the procedure, we have been performing simple double ligations of the stump and observed the results.
Methods: Prospectively we assigned patients to an operative method of either simple ligations or embedding sutures, alternatively upon admission, and performed this method of stump management with two surgeons for 4 years, and postoperative complications were observed in 362 and 273 cases respectively.
Results: There was no advantage of one method over the other in recovery course, and in view of tile complication rates associated with stump inadequacy and adhesive ileus, even in cases of perforated appendicitis also.
Conclusion: When possible, Stump ligations simplify appendectomy procedure without increased operative sequelae, even in cases of perforated appendicitis. So this procedure could be recommended instead of purse-string sutures, especially in cases of thick and friable cecal wall due to acutely disseminated appendiceal inflammation.



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