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À§ ¸²ÇÁ°üÁ¾ Gastric Lymphangioma

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A gastric lymphangioma is a rare benign lymphatic vascular tumor that contain chylous or serous material within dilated lymphatic cyst. Its pathogenesis is unknown and in most case is incidentally founded by radiological or endoscopic examination. On gastrofiberscopy a submucosal tumor with normal mucosa is found. Endoscopic ultrasonography has recently become an indispensable tool for differentiating these gastric submucosal tumors. Here a case of gastric lymphangioma is reported in a 71 years old woman who presented with intermittent vomiting and epigastric discomfort for six months. The patients underwent a wedge resection of the stomach, and was discharged with no complications, on the sixth post-operation day.


¸²ÇÁ°üÁ¾;À§ Á¡¸·ÇÏÁ¾¾ç;Lymphangioma;Submucosa;Stomach

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