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DiethylnitrosamineÀ¸·Î À¯¹ßµÈ ÈòÁã °£¾Ï ¹ß»ý ¹× ÁøÇà°úÁ¤¿¡¼­ Factor 8 R-Ag, Interleukin-1 ¥á, Interleukin-1 ¥â, Interleuking-6ÀÇ ¹ßÇö Expression of Factor ¥· Related Antigen and Changes of Serum IL-1¥á, IL-1¥â and IL-6 during Diethylnitrosamine (DEN) Induced Carcinogenesis in Rat Liver

´ëÇÑ¿Ü°úÇÐȸÁö 2004³â 66±Ç 2È£ p.73 ~ 80
¹Ú¿ë°Ë, ÀÌÇý¼±, ¹Ú¾ð¼·,
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¹Ú¿ë°Ë ( Park Yong-Gum ) 
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ÀÌÇý¼± ( Lee Hye-Sun ) 
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¹Ú¾ð¼· ( Park Eon-Sub ) 
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Purpose: In order to elucidate the tumor angiogenesis and to evaluate the usefulness of some cytokines as parameters of tumor progression and metastasis, we investigated the expression of Factor ¥· related antigen (Factor ¥· R-Ag) and measured the plasma levels of interleukins -1¥á(IL-1¥á), 1¥â (IL-1¥â) and 6 (IL-6) during rat liver tumorigenesis.
Methods: Sorague-Dawley rats were given diethylnitrosamine (DEN) by water, and sequentially sacrificed. For evaluation we performed light microscopy, immunohistochemical study using avidin-biotin complex, and ELISA.
Results: During the carcinogenesis, the staining, of Factor ¥· R-Ag was negative in normal livers, focal in hyperplastic nodules, scattered in hepatocellular adenomas and diffusely positive in hepatocellular carcinomas. The serum level of IL-1¥á peaked at 9 weeks, that of IL-1¥â steadily increased to peak at 12 weeks, and that of IL-6 continuously increased after DEN a administration. In addition, the serum concentration of IL-6 was markedly elevated in hepatocellular carcinomas metastasized to the lung.
Conclusion: From the above results it could be suggested that sinusoical phenotypic acquisition of Factor ¥· R-Ag is linked to the development of hepatocellular carcinomas and that serum levels of IL-1¥â and IL-6 are related to the multistep development of hepatocellular carcinoma. Furthermore, excess production of IL-6 may be a useful parameter to predict metastatic potentials.


N;N-diethylnitrosamine;°£¼¼Æ÷¾Ï;Factor ¥·;½ÃÅäÄ«ÀÎ;ÈòÁã;Hepatocellular carcinoma;Vytokines;Rat

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