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±â´É¼º ºÎ°©»ó¼± ³¶Á¾ Functional Parathyroid Cyst

´ëÇÑ¿Ü°úÇÐȸÁö 2004³â 66±Ç 3È£ p.243 ~ 247
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ÀåÇ×¼® ( Chang Hang-Seok ) 
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Á¤¿õÀ± ( Chung Woong-Youn ) 
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±èŽ ( Kim Tai-Seung ) 
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¹Ú¿µ³â ( Park Young-Nyun ) 
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¹ÚÁ¤¼ö ( Park Cheong-Soo ) 
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Parathyroid cysts are uncommon lesions of the neck and superior mediastinum, rarely large enough to be of clinical significance. They frequently present as a clinical diagnostic problem. They may mimic solitary thyroid nodule. They can be classified as either functioning or non-functioning depending on whether or not they are associated with hypercalcemia. Non-functioning or "true" cysts are those associated with normocalcemia (85%), whereas functioning or "pseudocysts" are those associated with hypercalcemia (15%). The plesence of a high content of intact parathyroid hormone (iPTH) in the cystic fluid on fine-needle aspiration (FNA), in conjunction with elevated serum levels of calcium and iPTH is diagnostic of a functional parathyroid cyst, which usually requires surgical removal. We report herein two cases of such a functional parathyroid cyst and present a review of the literature.


±â´É¼º ºÎ°©»ó¼± ³¶Á¾;°íÄ®½·Ç÷Áõ;ºÎ°©»ó¼± È£¸£¸ó;Functional parathyroid cyst;Hypercalcemia;Parathyroid hormone

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