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Dukes¢¥ B º´±âÀÇ ´ëÀå¾Ï ȯÀÚ¿¡¼­ Cytokeratin-19 Ç×ü¸¦ ÀÌ¿ëÇÑ ¸²ÇÁÀý ¹Ì¼¼ÀüÀÌÀÇ ¹ß°ß Identification of Lymph Node Micrometastases in Dukes¢¥ B Colorectal Cancer Patients Using Monoclonal Antibodies against Cytokeratin-19

´ëÇÑ¿Ü°úÇÐȸÁö 2004³â 66±Ç 5È£ p.385 ~ 390
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±èÇöö ( Kim Hyung-Chul ) 
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ÀÓö¿Ï ( Lim Chul-Wan ) 
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Á¶±Ô¼® ( Cho Gyu-Seok ) 
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À̹ÎÇõ ( Lee Min-Hyuk ) 
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Purpose: The aims of this study were to immunohistochemically identify lymph node micormetastases in Dukes¢¥ B colorectal cancer patients, and determine the relationship between lymph node micrometastases and other prognostic factors and recurrenee rates.
Methods: A retrospective analysis was conducted of 990 lymph nodes from Dukes¢¥ B 42 patients who had undergone radical colorectal resection. These lymph nodes were immunohistochemically examined with monoclonal antibodies anainst cytokeratin-19. The prognostic factors and recurrent rates were compared between patients with and without lymph node micrometastases.
Results: Micrometastases were confirmed in 19 nodes (1.9%) from 9 patients (21.4%), No correlations were observed between micrometastases and the prognostic factors, with the exception of the preoperative CEA level. 8 of the 9 (88.9%) patients with micrometastases had preoperative CEA levels significalltly elevated above 5 ng/ml (P<0.0001). There were no significant differences in the recurrent rates (P=0.0572) between patients with and without micrometaslases during the short term follow up period (14.8 months) at the 95% confidence interval, but there were significant differences at the 90% confidence interval.
Conclusion: High preoperative CEA levels increase the risk for micrometastases, and the presence of micrometastases might increase the possibility of recurrence. Thus, a routine immunohistochemical technique for identifying micrometastases is recommended in the patients with a high preoperative CEA level. However, a more definite clinical significance of lymph node micrometastases awaits further extensive prospective studies.


´ëÀå¾Ï;¸²ÇÁÀý;¹Ì¼¼ÀüÀÌ;Cytokeratin-19;CEA;Colorectal cancer;Lymph node;Micrometastases

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