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À½ºÎ½Å°æ ±â´ÉÆò°¡ÀÇ ¹æ¹ý·Ð Methodology of Evaluating the Function of Pudendal Nerve

´ëÇÑ¿Ü°úÇÐȸÁö 2004³â 67±Ç 3È£ p.204 ~ 207
¼º¹«°æ, À¯¿µ¹ü, °í¼ºÀº, Á¶ÁØ,
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¼º¹«°æ ( Seong Moo-Kyung ) 
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À¯¿µ¹ü ( Yoo Young-Bum ) 
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°í¼ºÀº ( Koh Seong-Eun ) 
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Á¶ÁØ ( Cho Joon ) 
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PURPOSE: Although the pudendal nerve terminal motor latency (PNTML) is normally used, there is no definite test that accurately reflects the function of the pudendal nerve. This study was undertaken to determine the relative accuracy of the various methods in measuring the function of the pudendal nerve.

METHODS: Thirty one female patients (age 51.3+/-15.7) with a defecation disorder (constipation 20, fecal incontinence 11) were evaluated prospectively using a neurophysiologic test and balloon reflex manometry. Five parameters such as the right and left PNTML, anal mucosal electrosensitivity, latency and the amplitude of the rectoanal contractile reflex (RACR) were analyzed statistically for their correlation.

RESULTS: There was no significant inter-test correlation among the parameters. However, the intra-test correlations between the parameters such as the right and left PNTML (r=0.9629, P<0.001)/latency and the RACR amplitude (r= -0.3770, P=0.0366) were found to be significant.

CONCLUSION: The accuracy of these tests in evaluating the pudendal neuropathy could not be determined. However, because it can be assumed that a measurement of the RACR in addition to RNTML is technically accurate, it there will need to be more study for it to be used as an alternative to a PNTML measurement.


À½ºÎ½Å°æ ±â´ÉÀÌ»ó;À½ºÎ½Å°æ¸»´Ü ¿îµ¿ Àẹ½Ã°£;Ç×¹®Á¡¸·;Pudendal neuropathy;PNTML;AME;RACR

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