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Primary leiomyosarcoma of gallbladder

´ëÇÑ¿Ü°úÇÐȸÁö 2012³â 83±Ç 6È£ p.403 ~ 407
¹ÚÀº¿µ, ¼­ÇüÀÏ, À±¼ºÇÊ, ±è¼®, Kim Joo-Yeun, ÇѱºÅÃ,
¼Ò¼Ó »ó¼¼Á¤º¸
¹ÚÀº¿µ ( Park Eun-Young ) 
Pusan National University College of Medicine Department of Surgery

¼­ÇüÀÏ ( Seo Hyung-Il ) 
Pusan National University College of Medicine Department of Surgery
À±¼ºÇÊ ( Yun Sung-Pil ) 
Pusan National University College of Medicine Department of Surgery
±è¼® ( Kim Suk ) 
Pusan National University School of Medicine Department of Radiology
 ( Kim Joo-Yeun ) 
Pusan National University School of Medicine Department of Pathology
ÇѱºÅà( Han Koon-Taek ) 
Pusan National University College of Medicine Department of Surgery


Malignant mesenchymalneoplasms of the gallbladder are extremely rare with only 105 cases of primary gallbladder sarcoma having been described. It has a very aggressive behavior and is usually diagnosed at advanced stages. Therefore, curative surgical management may not be possible. We performed a radical cholecystectomy (S4b + S5 segmentectomy), omentectomy and small bowel resection in a 54-year-old patient with locally invasive leiomyosarcoma of the gallbladder. Further studies are needed to confirm the benefit of aggressive treatment for patients with leiomyosarcoma of the gallbladder.


Leiomyosarcoma; Gallbladder neoplasms

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