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ÀÀ±Þ¼¾ÅÍ ¸®¸ðµ¨¸µ ÀüÈÄ ±¸¿ªº° ¹æ»ç¼± ³ëÃâ·® ºñ±³ Comparison of radiation exposure by area before and after emergency center remodeling

´ëÇÑÀÀ±ÞÀÇÇÐȸÁö 2019³â 30±Ç 5È£ p.385 ~ 392
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±èµ¿ÈÆ ( Kim Dong-Hoon ) 
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±èÅÂÀ± ( Kim Tae-Yun ) 
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À̼öÈÆ ( Lee Soo-Hoon ) 
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Á¤ÁøÈñ ( Jeong Jin-Hee ) 
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±è¼ºÃá ( Kim Seong-Chun ) 
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ÀӴ뼺 ( Lim Dae-Sung ) 
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Objective: Radiation is used extensively in emergency centers. Computed tomography and X-ray imaging are used frequently. Portable X-rays, in particular, cause a significant amount of indirect radiation exposure to medical personnel. The authors¡¯ emergency center was remodeled, and a comparative study of radiation exposure was carried out in certain places that had experienced radiation for a long time.

Method: The cumulative radiation dose was measured 20 times in the 24 hours prior to remodeling, and the cumulative radiation dose was measured again 20 times across the 24-hour period. The measurement points were fixed at the emergency doctor¡¯s seat (Zone A), charge nurse¡¯s seat (Zone B), and section nurse¡¯s seat (Zone C). During the 24-hour cumulative radiation measurement period, the number of portable X-ray shots was recorded in the emergency center.

Results: The mean of the 24-hour cumulative radiation measurements in zone A was 3.36¡¾0.07 ¥ìSV and 4.54¡¾0.07 ¥ìSV before and after remodeling, respectively (P<0.001). Regarding the number of portable X-rays performed during the measurement, a higher number of trials in the Pearson correction correlated with a higher radiation measurement.

Conclusion: In an emergency medical center, there is a higher level of low-dose radiation exposure compared to that experienced from natural radioactivity. Regarding the number of portable X-rays, the cumulative radiation dose measured 24 hours after remodeling increased and can be assumed to be related to the environment.


X-rays; Low dose radiation; Emergency center

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