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Hemorrhagic shock caused by closed internal degloving injury: a case report

´ëÇÑÀÀ±ÞÀÇÇÐȸÁö 2019³â 30±Ç 5È£ p.468 ~ 472
±èÇüºó, ¹Ú¼øâ, À̼ºÈ­, ¹èº´°ü, Á¶¿µ¸ð, ÀåÀçÈÆ, ¹Ú¼º¿í,
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±èÇüºó ( Kim Hyung-Bin ) 
Pusan National University Hospital Department of Emergency Medicine

¹Ú¼øâ ( Park Soon-Chang ) 
Pusan National University Hospital Department of Emergency Medicine
À̼ºÈ­ ( Lee Sung-Hwa ) 
Pusan National University Hospital Department of Emergency Medicine
¹èº´°ü ( Bae Byung-Kwan ) 
Pusan National University Hospital Department of Emergency Medicine
Á¶¿µ¸ð ( Cho Young-Mo ) 
Pusan National University Hospital Department of Emergency Medicine
ÀåÀçÈÆ ( Jang Jae-Hoon ) 
Pusan National University Hospital Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
¹Ú¼º¿í ( Park Sung-Wook ) 
Pusan National University Hospital Department of Emergency Medicine


A closed internal degloving injury is a soft tissue injury, in which the subcutaneous tissue is ripped from the underlying fascia. In rare cases, a closed internal degloving injury can lead to hemorrhagic shock. A 79-year-old woman was brought to the emergency department following an auto-pedestrian accident, in which she was hit by a car. She was in a stupor and was hypotensive. The initial evaluation was unremarkable. During management, the patient required the transfusion of a large volume of blood, and vasoactive agent. Abdominal computed tomography revealed a large hematoma in her lower back and gluteal area and she was diagnosed with a closed internal degloving injury. Missed or delayed diagnosis of this type of injury may result in a significant increase in transfusion requirements and irreversible hemorrhagic shock.


Soft tissue injuries; Degloving injuries; Hemorrhagic shock; Hematoma; Contusion

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