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We compared 87 portographic filling defects detected by portal CT in 64 patients were compared with those obtained by indirect portography. The indirect portography could visualize portogram only in anterior-posterior view. But the portal portal
could visualize both portogram and hepatogram. We examined the portal CT and indirect portography and compared the accuracy of the both methods to evaluate the limitation and significance of the indirect protography.
The mass shape lesions were seen on the portal CT which means portal flow defects of the mass lesions only could not depict totally in indirect portography (0%, 0/41). And the larger defects than real mass lesion were seen in portal CT means mass
associated portal flow defect and find portal vein invasion around the mass in 52% (24/46) of the indirect portography. Among them, only 66% of mass were detected correctly in the indirect portography comparing with mass lesion in portal CT.
In summary, indirect portogram could not detect small filling defects which detected in portal CT and could not depict the extent of large filling defects. It also could not visualize correctly the protal flow in non-lesion side of the liver


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