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¹Ì¼÷¾Æ ¹éÁú¿¬È­Áõ(Periventricular Leukomalacia): ÀÚ±â°ø¸í¿µ»ó°ú ÃÊÀ½ÆÄÁø´ÜÀǺñ±³¿¬±¸ PVL in Preterm Infants: Correlation of MR & US

´ëÇѹæ»ç¼±ÀÇÇÐȸÁö 1993³â 29±Ç 6È£ p.1300 ~ 1305
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MRI (magnetic resonance imaging ) had been the most up-to-dated modality in evaluating white matter disease in recent years, whereas US (ultrasonogram) has been used extensively in diagnosis of neonatal PVL(periventricular leukomalacia)
We evaluated the diagnostic value of MRI by reviewing the MR findings and correlation of MR and US of PVL in II preterm infants. Evaluation criteria were MR signal intensity and discrimination of PVL on each pulse sequences land comparision
and US findings performed simultaneously, on the extent of PVL, size of the largest cyst and detectability of hemorrhagic lesion.
MR findings of 11 cases of PVL were of low signal patterns on T1WI (T1weighted image) in 7, low signal patterns of PDWI (proton density weighted image) in 9, iso signal patterns on T2WI(T2weighted image) in 8 and low signal patterns on STIR(short
inversion recovery) in 7 cases.
The lesions of 11 PVL were well discriminated in all 11 cases of T1WI, 7 cases of STR, 5 case of PDWE and 2 cases of T2WI. The lateral ventricle was diffuse dilated (n=1) and focally dilated (n=3) in atrial area. In the comparative study, MR
more extensive lesions in 7 cases, larger cysts in 6 cases out of 7 PVL and more definitive hemorrhage in 3 cases out of 4 cases than sonography. In conclusion MR was more valuable than sonography in evaluating the extent of lesions, size of the
cystic lesion and detetion of hemorrhage. TIWI and STIR images were more useful in detection of PVL than T2WI and PDWI.


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