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Purpose : To determine the predictability of an aberrant hepatic artery by detection of
a vessel in the portocaval space of fissure for the ligamentum venosum, as seen of
arterial-phase spiral CT images.
Materials and Methods : Axial spiral CT scans (10mm section thickness, 10mm table
feed) were obtained in 100 patients with hepatic mass and were examined by two
radiologists. In each case, each determined whether a vessel was located in the
portocaval space or fissure for the ligamentum venosum, and the type of aberrant
artery. All patients underwent conventional angiography and the results were interpreted
by another radiologist and compared with the results as shown on CT
Results : Twelve-one cases with a vessel within the portocaval space and 14 with a
vessel within the fissure for the ligamentum venosum showed variation of the hepatic
artery. When a vessel was located transversely in the portocaval space, sensitivity,
specificith, and positive and negative predictive value of an aberrant hepatic artery were
94%, 100%, 100%, and 99%, respectively ; when a vessel was located in the fissure for
the ligamentum venosum, the corresponding rates were 88%, 100%, 100%, and 98%.
Conclusion : The detection on arterial-phase spiral CT images of a vessel in the
portocaval space or fissure for the ligamentum venosum can reliably predict the
existence of an aberrant hepatic artery.


Arteries; hepatic; Arteries; CT;

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