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Purpose : To evaluate the clinical usefulness of the MR urography (MRU) in the
diagnosis of hydroureteronephrosis.
Materials and Methods : Twenty-five patients with hydronephrosis (26 cases)
underwent MR urography, using a 1.5T MR scanner (Signa Horizon, GE Medical
System, Milwaukee, U.S.A). The cause of hydronephrosis included benign ureteral
stricture (12), ureteral stones (8) and malignant strictures (6), and were confirmed by
operation, biopsy, conventional urography of clinical follow up. For MRU, a fat
suppressed, respiratory-triggered, heavily T2-weighted fast spin echo (FSE) pulse
sequence was used, and the 3-dimensional MR images were subsequently processed by
a maximum-intensity-projection algorithm. We evaluated the success rate of MRU and
its accuracy in determining the level and cause of obstruction, and compared the degree
of hydroureteronephrosis seen on MRU with that seen on conventional urography.
Results : In all cases, a urogram was successfully obtained. In determining the degree
of hydroureteronephrosis and the level of obstruction (in the upper ureter in 11 case, in
the mid-ureter in four, and in the lower ureter in (11), MRU findings matched those of
conventional urography. In 24/26 cases (92)%, MRU accurately determined the cause of
urinary tract obstruction ; the two exceptions were in cases involving ureteral stones.
Conclusion : MRU is a promising, noninvasive diagnostic method for evaluating
hydroureteronephrosis, especially in children, pregnant women and patients with an
allergic reaction to iodinated contrast material.


Magnetic resonanace (MR); technology; Ureter; stenosis or obstruction; Hydronephrosis;

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