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Purpose : To evaluate the efficacy of the arterial phase of spiral CT in parametrial
invasion of uterine cervical carcinoma.
Materials and Methods : Two-phase spiral CT images of 22 patients with
pathologically proven cervical carcinomas were retrospectively, studied. With regard to
the lateral margin of the cervix, eccentric parmetrial soft tissue, parametrial strands and
obliteration of periureteral fat, images of the arterial phase were compared by three
radiologists with those of the late phase.
Results : Five of 15 surgically-proven cervical cancers with no parametrital
involvement (33%) showed parametrial strands or eccentric soft tissue lesion in the late
Four of the five patients (80%) showed early vascular enhancement of the linear
strands or eccentric soft tissue mass in the arterial, phase and because of this additional
scan, correct diagnosis was possible. Six of seven cases of invasive cervical
cancer(85.7%) showed linear strands in the late phase but two patients showed partial
vascular enhancement of the parametrial strands and correct diagnosis was therefore
possible. For the evaluation of the lateral margin of the cervix(4/7, 57.1%) and
periureteral fat obliteration(3/7, 42.9%), images of the late phase were superior to those
of the arterial phase.
Conclusion : In uterine cervical carcinoma, the late phase of conventional CT is
normally used to identify vascular structures as false-positive parametrial strands ; the
arterial phase of spiral CT is, however, superior.


Uterine neoplasms; CT; Uterine neoplasms; metastases; Computed tomography(CT); helical;

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