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Á¶¿µ±Ç/Young Kwon Cho ÀüÇýÁ¤/¹Úµ¿¸³/¹ÚÁ¤Èñ/³ë¿ë¼ö/À±»ó¾Ö/Hae Jeong Jeon/Dong Rib Park/Jeong Hee Park/Yong Soo Lho/Sang Ae Yoon


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Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis is atyical svere renal parenchymal infection,
characterized macroscopically by a yellow lobulated mass, and microscopically by
massive inflammatory cells and foam hystiocytes. Preoperatively it can be confused with
hypernephroma, pyonephrosis with stone or other renal inflammatory diseases.
We present a case of xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis associated with
xanthogranulomatous epididymoorchitis. To our knowledge this is the first report of
xanthogranulomatous pyenlonephritis associated with xanthogranulomatous


Kidney; CT; Kidney; Disease; Kidney; Inflammation; Epididymis; Inflammation; Testis; Inflammation;

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