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ÀÇÇÑ Â÷ÀÌ°¡ ÀÖ¾ú´Ù (p<0.05, Fisher's exact test).
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Purpose : To evaluate the patterns of injuries and frequency of associated findings on
MR imaging in patients with both anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) and posterior
cruciate ligament (PCL) tear ; to compare the asssociated findings, as seen on MR
imaging, in cases with both ACL and PCL tear with those with ACL or PCL tears.
Materials and Methods : Ten patients with combined ACL and PCL tears, 16 with
ACL tears and 18 with PCL tears, all confirmed by arthroscopy or open surgery, were
involved in this study. To identify the associated knee injuries, MR images were
retrospectively evaluated.
Results : In ten patients with combined ACL and PCL tears, open surgery led to the
identification of six complete ACL tears (60%), four partial ACL tears (40%), eight
complete PCL tears (80%) and two partial PCL tears (20%). Injuries associated with
these combined tears, and revealed by MR imaging, comprised six medial collateral
ligament injuries (60%), six lateral collateal ligament injuries (60%), five medial meniscal
injuries (50%), three lateral meniscal injuries (30%), nine bony injuries (90%), two
posterior capsular injuries (20%), and three popliteus muscle injuries (30%). The
frequency of popliteus muscle injury was significantly different (p<0.05, Fisher's exact
test) between the group with both ACL and PCL tears and that with ACL or PCL
Conclusion : Associated findings in patients with combined ACL and PCL tears are
more frequent than in those with ACL or PCL tears. In cases involuing combined ACL
and PCL tears, associated findings-as seen on MR images-should thus be carefully


Knee; injuries; Knee; MR; Ligaments; injuries; Ligaments; MR;

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