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Purpose : To evaluate the low attenuation of mosaic pattern in pulmonary embolism, as
observed on HRCT, and to correlate the findings with the pathologic features of
resected lung.
Materials and Methods : Using permanent embolic materials, pulmonary embolism was
induced in eight Yorkshire pigs. Pre-and post-embolic pulmonary angiography was
performed and after 6 weeks, the incidence and pattern of parenchymal change in low
attenuation(mosaic pattern), as seen on HRCT, was evaluated. The animals were than
sacrified and contact radiography of the lung was performed. Thirty-eight segments of
pathology were taken from the area in which the presence of embolism had been
suggested. Pathologic and HRCT findings were than correlated.
Results : On HRCT, low attenuation was seen in 23 of 36 segments(64%) and showed
variable patterns : crescent peripheral hyperlucency(61%, n=14), heterogenous mottled
hyperlucency(17%, n=4), lobular hyperlucency(13%, n=3), and homogeneous segmental
hyperlucency(9%, n=2). Parenchymal low attenuation was seen on HRCT in 10 of 11
segments (91%) in which large segmental arterial occlusion occurred, and in 3 of 16
segments (19%) in which there was small segmental arterial occlusion. Abnormal
pathologic findings were pulmonary congestion, dilatation of pulmonary arteries,
interlobular septal thickening, and thrombus formation. Among the 38 pathologic
segmental specimens, 29 were from the area in which HRCT findings were positive, and
in which pulmonary embolism subsequently occurred. In only four of nine segments
(44%) in the area in which HRCT fingings were negative was pulmonary embolism
Conclusion : HRCT findings of pulmonary embolism at six weeks after embolization
showed variable patterns of low attenuation, diminished diameter of pulmonary arteries,
and normal diameter of bronchi. In cases with large segmental arterial occlusion, the
finding of low attenuation was more common ; this may be due to reduced blood flow
to the embolic area, in combination with bronchiolar spasm. For the early diagnosis of
pulmonary embolism, these findings may be useful.


Lung; CT; Animals; Embolism; pulmonary; Computed tomography(CT); high-revolution;

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