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Purpose : To determine relative image qualities and to evaluate their ability to visualize
biliary trees and pancreatic ducts, we compared the breath-hold fast spin echo (FSE)
and respiratory-triggered FSE technique in magnetic resonance
Materials and Methods : Forty-seven patients with suspected of hepatic disease but no
pancreatic or biliary ductal dilatation, as determined by other imaging techniques('group
of non-pathologic pancreatobiliary tree'), and seven with pancreatic or biliary disease ('
group of pathologic pancreatobiliary tree') underwent MRCP. Heavil T2-weighted FSE
coronal images were obtained by both breath-hold and respiratory triggered techinques.
Theses two images were 3D-reconstructed using a maximal intensity projection
algorithm. Three radiologistis scored the image qualities of anatomic structures in each
set of images, then directly compared the imaged quality of the images obtained by the
two techniques.
Results : For the visualization of common hepatic ducts and common bile dvcts, FSE
MRCP image obtained using the respiratory-triggered technique were triggered technique
were significantly better than those obtained using the breath-hold technuque(p<0.05).
Fifty-nine to 88% of breath-hold images of biliary tree and 63-95% of respiratory
triggered images were optimal. For the pancreatic duct, however, 24% of breath-hold
image and 15% of respiratory-triggered images provided optimal image quality. In direct
comparison, respiratory triggered imaged were better in 25 cases(52.1%), both images
were comparable in 12 cases(25.0%), and in 11 cases(22.9%), breath-hold images were
better. These differences were statistically significant(p<0.05).
Conclusion : For the visualization of extrahepatic bile ducts, the respiratory triggered
FSE sequence was better than the breath-hold sequence ; for the evaluation of both a
non-dilated and dilated pancreatobiliary system, however, both techniques need further

Bile ducts; MR; Pancreas; MR; Magnetic resonance(MR); comparative studies; Magnetic resonance(MR); technology;


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