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Purpose : To investigate the role of gadolinium enhanced MR imaging in the evaluation
of gestational tuophovablastic tumors(invasive mole and choricarainoma).
Materials and Methods : Pre-enhanced T1-and T2-weighter image and gadolinium
enhanced T1-weighted images of 34 gestational trophovlastic tumors (15
choriocarcinomas, 19 invasive moles) were retrospectively evaluated and enhancement
patterns were analyzed. Morphologic differences and structural characteristics were
analyzed by the evaluation of tumor margin, patterns of hemorrhagic necroses, the
development of intratumoral vascularity, and molar villi. Graded scores of MR findings
between pre- and gadolinium enhanced images were based on the following criteria : 1)
visualization of tumor margin ; 2) distinction between tumor necrosis and zone of
trophoblastic proliferation ; and 3) molar villi. Statistical differences between graded
scores of pre-and post-endanced images were analyzed.
Result : A choriocarcinoma was a well-defined mass with peripheral rim enhancement
and central hemorrhagic necrosis, while an invasive mole was a ill-defined mass with
partial necrosis, tiny cystic areas and increased intratumoral cascularity with dense
reticular enhancement. Interface between tumor necrosis and the zone of trophovlastic
proliferation was better visualized on gadolinium enhanced images than on pre-enhanced
images. only in invasive moles were tumor margin and intratumoral molar villi clearly
dicrimated on gadolinium-enhanced images. There was no statistical difference in the
cisualixation of tumor margin of choriocarcinoma between pre-and post-enhanced
Conclusion : Gadolinium enhanced MR imaging was helpful for the visualization of
tumor characteristics in geatational trophoblastic tumors and in differential diagnosis
between invasive mole and choriocarcinoma.


Magnetic resonance(MR); contrast enhancement; Uterine neoplasms; MR; Gadolimiums;

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