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¹»·¯°ü ±âÇüÁø´Ü¿¡ À־ ÀÚ±â°ø¸í¿µ»óÀÇ À¯¿ë¼º Efficacy of MR Imaging to Evaluate Mullerian Duct Anomalies

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Purpose : To evaluate the MR imaging of Mullerian duct anomalies(MDA) and analyze
its diagnostic accuracy, associated gynecologic diseases, and effect on treatment plan.
Materials and Methods : Twelve patients with suspected MDA and three with
incidentally-found MDA were included. Axial, sagittal and coronal images of T1-,
FSET2- or T2, proton density-and Gadolinium-enhanced T1-weighter images were
obtained with 1.5T(n=13) and 0.5T(n=13) and 0.5T(n=2) MR machines. On the basis of
Buttram and Gibbons' classification, MR images were analyzed and classified as
laparotomy(n=7), hysteroscopy(n=7), laparoscopy(n=3) or hystersalpinggraphy(n=2). These
were analyzed in terms of external contour of the uterus, intercorunal distance, signal
intensity of the uterus and septum, associated genitourinary diseases, and the influence
of MR imaging on treatment plan.
Results: A total of IS cases of MDA were accurately classified by MR imaging, as
follows: didelphyses(n=6 : 40%); ageneses(n=3 : 20%); septate uteri(n=3 : 20%) ;
bicornuate uteri(n=2 : 13%) and unicornuate uterus(n=1 : 7%). In 13 cases(87%) findings
corresponded with those of other examinations. The external contour of the uterus was
banana-shaped in the didelphys and unicornuate uterus, a fundal cleft in the bicornuate,
and normal in the septate ; intercornual distance was greater in didelphys and
bicornuate uteri. Except in three cases of agenesis, the signal intensity of the uterus
was normal ; in the septum, on T2WI, this was isosignal in the bicornuate uterus and
low in the septate, as compared with that of the myometrium. In four of five cases,
associated gynecologic diseases were found on MR imaging ; in five cases(33%), there
were associated urologic anomalies, and in six(40%), MR imaging influenced the
treatment plan.
Conclusion : MR imaging was valuable for the diagnosis of MDA and the
determination of associated gynecologic diseases, and also influenced the treatment plan.


Pelvic organs; abnormalities; Pelvic organs; MR;

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