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Purpose : The purpose of this study was to evaluate the MR findings of benign and
malignant musculoskeletal adipose tumors and to determine the points of difference
between these two types.
Materials and Methods : This study involved 41 histopathologically proven cases ; 26
were benign lipoma and 15 were liposarcoma. T1- and T2-weighted images were
obtained in all cases and enhancement study was performedin 15 cases of bening lipoma
and 14 of liposarcoma. To determine MR findings and possible differences between the
two groups, we retrospectively analyzed size, location, margin, degree of signal intensity,
homogeneity, enhancement pattern and internal septa, as seen on MR images
Results : On both T1- and T2-weighted images, all lipomas showed a signal intensity
similar to that of subcutaneous fat. Twenty-one lipomas had thin and regular internal
septa and three showed focal enhancement. On T1-weighted images, 13 of 15
liposarcomas showed linear strands or patchy or diffuse areas with high signal intensity
and the other five, homogeneous intensity. Irregular and thick septa were seen in nine
liposarcomas, and in 12 cases, modular diffuse enhancement was documented.
Conclusion : Homogeneity of signal intensity, enhancing pattern and internal septa
might be useful MR findings for the differential diagnosis of benign lipoma and

Lipoma and lipomatosis; Magnetic resonance(MR); tissue characterization; Soft tissues; neoplasms; Soft tissues; MR;


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