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¿µ¾Æ¿¡¼­ Á¤»ó Èä¼±ÀÇ ÃÊÀ½ÆÄ ¼Ò°ß¿¡ ´ëÇÑ ºÐ¼® Ultrasonographic Analysis of Normal Thymus in Infants

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Purpose : To analyse the ultrasonographic findings of normal thymus in infants and
determine the pathologic findings.
Materials and Methods ; Forty two infants without a history of chronic disease, tumor
or steroid therapy were scanned in the axial planes with a 7.0 MHz sector transducer.
Bilaterality, homogeneity, and the shape and intensity of thymic echogenicity were
analysed ; shapes were classified as one of three types, namely bilovate, quadrangular
or triangular. The intensities of thymic echogenicity were compared with those of the
liver and spleen under the same conditions(time-gain compensation, depth and gain).
Result : Bilaterality was seen in 36 cases, homogeneity in 35, homogeneity and
bilaterality in 29, inhomogeneity and bilaterality in seven, and homogeneity and
unilaterality in six. No case showed inhomogeneity and unilaterality. The shape was
bilobate in 23 case, quadrangular in 13 and triangular in six, while the outer border was
convex in 29 cases and straight in 13. In no case was enhogenicity of the thymus
greater than that of the liver or spleen. Transverse diameters were 21-47mm (mean,
37.0mm ; SD, 9.4mm) and depths were 10-37.5mm (mean, 25.8mm; SD, 5.9mm).
Conclusion : The usual findings of normal thymus in infants are bilaterality and
homogeneity, convex or shaight outer border, and echo internsity less than or equal to
that of the liver and spleen. The possibility of thymic pathology is suggested when
ultrasonography inhomogeneous echogenicity, and echosenicity greater than that of the
liver and spleen.


Thymus; US; Infants; newborn; endocrine glands; Ultrasound(US); in infants and children;

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