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Purpose : The creation and maintenance of radiology teaching materials is both
laborious and very time-consuming, but at a teaching hospital is important. Through use
of the technology offered by today's worldwide wed, this problem can be efficiently
solved, and on this basis, we devised a multimedia radiology self-learning course for
abdominal ultrasound and CT.
Materials and Methods: A combination of video and audio tapes has been used as
teaching material ; the authors digitized and converted these to Hypertext Mark-up
Language(HTML) format. Films were digitized with a digital camera and compressed to
Joint Photographic Expert Group(JPEG) format, while audio tapes were digitized with a
sound recorder and compressed to Real Audio format.
Results : The self-learning course for abdominal ultrasound consists of 14 steps, and
that for abdominal CT, 19 steps. Both provide images, vice narrations, and related texts
and graphics. The learner can navigate the course at his/her own speed, repeating or
skipping any part, as required.
Conclusion : Multimedia on the Worldwide Web' will facilitate easy management and
maintenauce of a self-learning course. To make this more suitable for practical use,
continual upgrading on the basis of experience is needed.


Computers; educational aid; Internet;

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