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´ëÇѹæ»ç¼±ÀÇÇÐȸÁö 1998³â 38±Ç 2È£ p.263 ~ 266
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Àü¾çÇö/Yang Hyun Jeon ¼ºµ¿¿í/È«ÈÆÇ¥/À±¼·/ÀÌÀϼº/Dong Wook Sung/Hyun Pyo Hong/Yup Yoon/Eil Seong Lee


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On PA chest radiography, the anterior junction line(AJL) is seen to project from the
upper right to the lower left of the upper third of the body of the sternum and
represents the visceral and parietal pleura of each lung and a small quantity of
mediastinal fat. In a patient with volume loss or expansion of a hemithorax, the AJL
shows considerable shift and on PA chest radiography may mimic pneumothorax or
pneumomediastimum. In such cases, widening and hyperlucency of the retrosternal space,
seen on lateral view, which represents herniated lung with a shift of AJL, may be
helpful for differentiation from pneumothorax or pneumomediastinum.(J Korean Radiol
Soc 1998:38: 263-266)


Thorax; radiography;

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