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´ãµµ Áúȯ¿¡ ÀÇÇÑ °£ Á¿± À§Ãà Atrophy of the Left Hepatic Lobe Caused by a Biliary Tract Disease

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Purpose : To study the CT patterns of left lobar atrophy, including pathologic and
hemodynamic features, in cases of primary biliary disease.
Materials and Methods : CT findings of left hepatic lobar and segmental atrophy in 26
patients with histologically or radiologicaly-proven underlying bile-duct disease were
reviewed. Seventeen cases were oriental colangiohepatitis (OCH) with left intrahepatic
stones and nine were cholangiocarcinoma involving the hilar or left hepatic bile duct.
The distribution and appearance of atrophy and adjacent lobar hypertrophy were
studied. CT scans were examined for the presence of stenosis or obstruction of the left
portal vein, and the enhancing pattern of lobar atrophy was analysed. In patients who
had undergond left lobectomy, the mechanism of lobar atrophy was correlated with
radiographic and pathologic features.
Results : All patients showed bile duct dilatation localized to atrophic left hepatic
segments. In cholangiocarcinoma, the distribution of atrophy was characteristically lobar,
in contrast to segmental distribution in OCH. Compensatory hypertrophy was more
common in OCH and particularly involved the caudate lobe. Organic and functional
occlusion of the left portal vein was a cause of atrophy, even in OCH. periportal fibrosis
and inflammation were the main pathological feature of atrophy. On spiral CT scan,
delayed endhancement of atrophic liver parenchyma was the characteristic feature.
Conclusion : Lobar or segmental left hepatic lobe atrophy is seen in bile duct disease
caused by OCH or cholangiocarcinoma. This finding suggests that the disease process is
advanced, and that there is obstruction or narrowing o the left portal vein, associated
with periportal fibrosis and inflammation.(J Korean Radiol Soc 1998: 38:273-278)


Liver; abnormalities; Cholangitis; Bile ducts; stenosis or obstruction; Liver; CT;

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